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Home Camping Equipment Camping Chairs
Athena Three Cross Back Chair - Solid Timber Seat- Lime Wash
Athena Three Cross Back Chair - Solid Timber Seat- Lime Wash
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Product Details

The Athena One Crossback Chair is the red hot wedding and event rental product. If you don't have them in your inventory yet - you should seriously consider ordering yours now as we guarantee your competitors are receiving a high demand for them in their local area from caterers, rental companies, event and function centres and boutique hotels etc. 

Manufactured using the highest quality hardwood timber the Nufurn Athena Two Timber Stacking Event Chair is designed for heavy duty commercial use - we wouldn't offer anything less!  Bracketing under the seat and legs is inconspicuous however provides immense strength and rigidity to the chair frame ensuring you can use these chairs without concern for longevity and safety for many years.

Category: Event Chairs
Code: NF010048 LW

Brand: Nufurn
Dimensions: H:870mm SH:440mm W:400mm D:460mm
Stacking Height: 5
Use: Indoor
Finish: Mahogany / Lime wash / Natural / Black/Natural Beach
Fabric: N/A
Product Origin: Asia
Warranty: 1yr


Weight and Measurement Disclaimer Statement
Please note: while all effort has been made to provide as accurate information as possible, the measurements and weights being provided are estimates and may not be completely  precise, or may have been rounded. Weights and measurements are being provided as a courtesy and are not to be used as the sole basis for making important decisions.

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